Introducing our rocking rooster laser-cut acrylic art brooch – because who says roosters can't rock the runway? Crafted from multiple layers of acrylic, this brooch is a feathered masterpiece that's sure to make a statement wherever you strut.
With its bold colors and intricate design, our rockin' rooster brooch is the epitome of farmyard chic. Pin it to your favorite jacket or bag, and let this chic chicken add a pop of personality to your ensemble.
So, whether you're a country gal or a city slicker, let our chic chick brooch be your feathered friend in fashion. After all, who says farm animals can't be fabulous?
Height: 64.00mm
Width: 45.00mm
Weight: 10.00gm
Material: Custom Acrylic
Pin: Steel
Gift Box: Eco Friendly Matchbox Style